Dr Katrine Saeter

Dr. Katrine is available for appointments in Newstead.
Dr. Katrine has helped people across the world with her special interests and knowledge of the body.
Katrine is praised for a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to sciatica and sciatic nerve disorders, back pain, neck pain and headaches. In addition, Katrine works with patients who are experiencing conditions associated with sporting injury, pregnancy or are seeking support with their general wellbeing.
Since graduating from Macquarie University in Sydney, Katrine has gained vast experience working with top chiropractors throughout Australia. In addition to this, Katrine also worked in Jakarta, Indonesia where she worked with medical doctors treating patients with medical conditions rarely seen in Australia.
In 2016, Katrine opened the new multidisciplinary clinic Elite Therapy co at Newstead in Brisbane where the team strove to provide the community a holistic health and sports-orientated service. Katrine was co-founder and director of Ourchiro chiropractic clinic Brisbane as the head chiropractor for over a decade.
Katrine is the recipient of an international award for her contribution to a research paper on chronic low back pain in a multidisciplinary approach.
Dr. Katrine is available for appointments in Newstead.
To book an appointment, call: (07) 3666 0633 or click here for online bookings.