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Sleeping on your stomach
Sleeping on your stomach

Sleeping on your stomach puts the most strain on your back of the three sleeping positions. The most effective way to reduce that strain is to place a pillow under your hips and lower abdomen as well as a pillow under your head. If the pillow under your head causes discomfort, try sleeping without it.

Sleeping on your side

Sleeping on your side

Lie with legs slightly bent, pulling your knees towards your chest. Also, place a pillow between your knees to help keep your spine in the proper positioning. A pillow under your head will keep your head supported as well.

Sleeping on your back

Having a pillow under your knees is the best way to keep the natural curve of your spine while you’re sleeping. Also try putting a rolled towel under your low back for extra support. Don’t forget to place a pillow under your head to support your neck.