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Identifying a Subluxation

Identifying A Subluxation

A spinal subluxation is a term unique to the chiropractic profession. It is a spinal bone that is not properly aligned, causing dysfunction of the joint or the surrounding nerves/ muscles. You may have a potential subluxation if you notice tingling, weakness, numbness, and/ or pain. The symptoms may not always be clear cut and […]

Walk More For Great Health Benefits

Reading the newspapers and magazines, watching the news and television, everyday there seems to be a new health crazes or fad being advertised. Eat this; do that, 7 minute abs, all different types of marketing for the health and fitness scene. I fully support new research and ways to improve our health and wellbeing 100% […]

Difference between chiro, physio and osteo

Difference between chiro, physio and osteo Physiotherapist’s aim to restore function of muscles through massage therapy and will mainly prescribe rehabilitation exercises or use tape to strengthen and retrain muscles. Osteopath’s use mobilisations of joints and may massage muscles if necessary. Osteopath’s focus on the circulatory and lymphatic system as they aim to increase blood […]